summer style preview

What do you wear to a summer party?

Jeans and a comfy t-shirt

Matching two piece set with pants and a cute crop top

Cute cotton dress

During Summer weekends you can most likely be found?


Hiking and camping

Working in your garden

What style screams Summer to you?

Flamboyant bright poolside colors

Dainty neutral floral patterns

Anything that reminds me of being in the woods

You're allowing yourself one new treat this summer.  What do you choose?

Huge sunglasses

The cutest summer handbag

Floppy sunhat

After thinking of how you envision your ideal summer did you gravitate towards a particular style when you thought of your sleepy summer afternoons?

Was dirt smeared along your cheek with a batch of flowers freshly cut from your garden? The sound of gentle bumble bees buzzing in your ear as they clumsily wobble around your garden. If the call of the garden whispered in your ear you will want to take a closer look at the Bee Delightful pattern that is full of wild strawberries, bumble bees, vibrant mushrooms and carrots pulled fresh from the ground.

Are you a water baby, posted up poolside all summer long with a bright swimsuit? Giant sunglasses cutting down the rays reflected as you sit atop your pool float? If so, go with Woodland Garden with compact flowers in shades of pink and cornflower blue.

Do the deep pines and lazy wind playing in open grassland call you away from the city? If the sound of night crickets sing to you over noisy patios, then look at Watercolor Floral. The patterns will bring you to backroads with wildflowers lining the ditches.

The Summer Collection of handmade bags will be available next week. Those signed up for the newsletter will be the first notified when they go live. It’s a privilege and honor to make these eco friendly, canvas tote bags in Portland, OR. Working towards more sustainable tote bags is part of creating the best quality handbag that helps reduce consumption with more thoughtful purchases that last longer.

Much Love-Jessie


Autumn collection patterns revealed


summer collection patterns revealed